Applications All Around
Software design, consultations, apps, project supervision.
Applications All Around
Software design, consultations, apps, project supervision.
Applications All Around
Software design, consultations, apps, project supervision.
Applications All Around
Software design, consultations, apps, project supervision.
What can we do for you
Years of experience allow us to be your partner in choosing a good solution, architecture and right technologies for your project.
Project supervision
Experience from several projects allows us to see weaknesses and opportunities that remain hidden even in the case of a reliable vendor of software solution.
App development
Whether cloud, web or mobile apps, we can offer you power to design, develop, test and deploy your projects.
Who we are
We are team of professionals with more than 20 years of experience with software design and development.
We know it is always important to listen to customer and do not allow technologies to conquer the real world needs.
We begun at start of millennium in age of simple applications based on locally stored DBs. Then we passed to age of web services. Arrival of mobile devices started era of Xamarin reaching the power of all mobile platforms. Current age of cloud sets up new challanges, but also brings lot of opportunities.

Our work
Expense Spy
Mobile frontend for existing care house agenda software produced by our swiss customer (
It helps to collect data during the care of people as part of the process of care documentation.
Idea on mind?
We can help you bring your ideas to life. Contact us and let’s have a talk how can we help you.

We build solutions with you not for you
We are always part of your team, we adopt your ideas and we always suggest best solution which fulfills your needs. The technologies are our tools to achieve wanted results not just toys of tech-geeks.
Apalla spol. s r.o.
Súťažná 12
82108 Bratislava
Phone 1: +421 905 343 672
Phone 2: +421 905 804 339
IČO: 46 309 934
DIČ: 2023330276
DIČ DPH: SK2023330276